Loyalty Advances

Build loyalty by rewarding your clients for their continued trust and business with tailored advances that grow with their commitment.

Build a Strong Loyalty Program

With Loyalty Advances up to $1,000 during the holiday season, there is no better way to show your appreciation for your loyal clients, than by stuffing their pockets, with some loyalty cheer!

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What is a Loyalty Advance?

The Loyalty Advance is a unique benefit that TaxShield offers to your clients. This advance is distributed in $100 increments, up to a maximum of $1,000, and is given to your clients—the taxpayers—as a reward for their loyalty to you. The longer a customer has been filing with you, the higher their Loyalty Advance will be. One of the most attractive aspects of the Loyalty Advance feature for most of our clients is that it is available in December, just before Christmas. This timing helps your customers during the holiday season, which in turn enhances your retention.

Client-Centric Approach

B2B Loan

The Loyalty Program is a business loan provided to you, the ERO. You have the flexibility to choose which clients receive the advance.

Strategic Thinking

Starts Mid December

Get to your clients way before anyone else can. This program starts in December before the holidays.

Client-Centric Approach

Disbursement methods

Check Printing function available within the CRM allows you to print advances for your clients, or you can simply send it direct deposit.

Client-Centric Approach

Incentivize Loyalty

Once your clients realize that every year they continue to do business with you, they'll earn a larger advance, it becomes an expected event they look forward around the loyalty season!

Possess the Tools Necessary to Grow Your Business

$100 to $1,000 Based on Retention Data
Advances Provided with Tax Return Estimates
Start Early Before the Competition in Mid-December
ERO is Responsible for All Advance Losses
Simple Collection Process
ERO has to Meet Minimum Bank Product Requirement
$49.99-$89.99/loyalty Advance

Pre-Set Spending Amount

No Capital for a Loyalty Program? No Problem! During the pre-season, we'll work together to determine the optimal amount that will allow you to fund your Loyalty Program for the upcoming tax season.

Multiple Disbursement Methods

Whether your clients have bank accounts that they would like their advance deposited into, or would prefer a check to be printed so they can cash it at a local cashier; TaxShield Software has you covered!

You have the flexibility to determine the method for each advance as you process it through the system. There's no need to make a decision now; you can choose the most suitable option for each individual advance when the time comes.

 Set Criteria's

Technical Support

Learning new software systems can be cumbersome, but no need to worry! Anytime you or a colleague require assistance, join our virtual support center and we'll iron out any wrinkles that may trip you up along the way.

Why not check it out for yourself? Anytime between 9 AM and 5 PM Eastern, you can ask us anything in real-time. Just click this link to join our live Zoom support

 Set Criteria's

Advance Collection

Know your precise balance at any time, thanks to your Dashboard inside of the CRM We have great relationships with major processing banks to ensure reconciliation is, fast, simple, and accurate.

The complete collection process will be covered in the training as part of the onboarding process. We've partnered with the processing banks to streamline this process as much as possible. Collections occur from the customer's tax return when it gets funded. You are only liable for the advances that don't get funded and the associated advance fees.

 Set Criteria's

Why offer this service?

Increase your retention by double digits! Your customers will start calling you in October and November, eager to know if you’re offering the Loyalty Advance program again.

In a declining industry, thinking outside the box is essential not just for sustaining your business, but for growing it. Retention is key! As filing tax returns online becomes increasingly easy and often free, you need a strategy to keep your customers loyal and returning. One effective way to achieve this is by building a loyalty program that also supports your clients during the holidays. When implemented correctly, you could see retention rates as high as 95%.

 Set Criteria's

You're in Control

Set permissions for your staff and employees. Enable all your employees or owners under your admin account to process an application, and print checks. Each check # is unique and will never repeat, so you can track it through our robust reporting!

Print Check

Detailed Reporting

Find out what your collection rate is at the end of the season without forensic accountants. Debt list, watch report, cleared check lists, and much more to make sure your Loyalty Advance program operates as planned.

Print checks from your own account

Save Time and Ensure Accuracy

When using one of the many integrated tax software partners, we’ve eliminated double entries! Once you’ve completed a return, simply click on a button, and the Taxpayers info is automatically sent to the CRM. All you’d have to do is verify the social security # and you’re almost done already!

Check verification system

Employee Access Control

Regulate permissions of any employee or owner, under your Admin account. Control who’s able to print, reprint, or void checks. Shut off any employee or owner account access under your admin account, and they will be logged out their account in real time. Assign them to a multiple stores or tasks.

Employee Access Control
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